
【亞洲大學】5/18(四)14:00-16:00 CLIL講座-Awareness of Language Demands and Challenges in Diverse Academic Areas



Awareness of Language Demands and Challenges in Diverse Academic Areas

◎演講者Speaker:Philippa Coleman
Assistant Director (of Studies), Institute of Continuing and TESOL Education,
The University of Queensland

◎日期Date: 106年05月18日 (星期四 Thursday)


◎時間Time:14:00- 16:00

◎報名網址Register website :https://goo.gl/forms/eNfARmlPflO9wA352


**備註: 講者預計帶領教師實作學術文本分析,請教師攜帶個人撰寫的教材或其他課堂教材前往。
The speaker will lead an academic text analysis session. Please bring your teaching or materials you produce to the workshop.

對上述活動如有疑義請洽活動承辦人:廖亭雅 助理
聯絡電話:04-2332-3456 分機6213