
【分項活動】1131227 教育部智慧創新關鍵人才躍升計畫產學交流座談會



🌵 活動時間:2024-12-27


🌵 活動地點:國立中興大學致平演講廳


🌵 發佈單位:教育部智慧創新關鍵人才躍升計畫-創作軟體加值分項


🌵 活動內容:

In recent years, large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized various fields by demonstrating remarkable capabilities in understanding and generating human language. At MediaTek Research, we have had a long history of adapting LLMs to Traditional Chinese for localized. In this seminar, we will discuss about recent efforts in completing the multifaceted applications of LLMs, including extensions to action taking, speech recognition, and speech synthesis. Through a series of case studies and practical demonstrations, attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the current state and future potential of large language models in various industries.